Monday, October 24, 2011

Red Ribbon Week, Book Fair, Family Game Night

This week is Red Ribbon Week!

Our theme is "I've got better things to do than drugs!"

During Red Ribbon Week, your child will have the opportunity to participate in several activites related to the promotion of a drug free life.

Monday: Wear Red
Pledge to be drug free!
Wear red and get a treat... TWIZZLERS!
Don't let drugs TWIST you mind!

Tuesday: Wear sunglasses...
Block out drugs!

Wednesday: Wear clothes inside out...
Don't let drugs do the same to you!

Thursday: Crazy hair day...
Scare away drugs!

Friday: Hat day...
Put your thinking cap on and
"I've got better things to do than drugs!"

Book Fair
October 25th- October 28th
Open during school hours... Evening hours will vary.

PTA Family Game Night
October 26th
6:30-8:00PM in the gym
Bring your own games, family, and blanket to sit on.